L’Ermitage du CHRU de Tours (Tours Teaching Hospital) and the CMRR entrusted us with the design and implementation of an e-learning platform for caregivers. The aim was to train them in caring for parents suffering from neurodegenerative diseases. Our agency thus designed and developed the I LEARN Cognition & Comportement (Cognition & Behaviour) platform.




L’Ermitage of CHRU de Tours and the CMRR (Centre Mémoire Ressources et Recherche), supported by Agence Régionale de Santé Centre Val-de-Loire, (Regional Health Agency) consulted us to set up an e-learning platform. The goal was to validate the effectiveness of a training method for caregivers working in nursing homes, supporting patients suffering from neurodegenerative diseases (including Alzheimer’s disease).


After meeting with Ermitage du CHRU de Tours, we were able to analyse the needs and constraints of the project:

  • Art direction and graphic design:creation of graphic guidelines (logo, colour and significant font selection) specific to and consistent with the training, to ensure harmony across the different media.
  • Scriptwriting, directing and editing of e-learning videos:modulating clinical cases, 3D animation (motion design) and professional interventions to give pace to the 20 minutes of training.
  • Development of the host interface:developing an understated and easy-to-use platform with centralised modules.
  • Instructional design and e-training:identifying and developing fun and engaging approaches, methods and technologies adapted to new digital training codes, in order to promote the training retention rate and involvement of the target.

After reviewing the project and involvement of instructional design, our team was able to develop customised solutions for this project.

This training is broken down into 3 distinct modules, which had to be accessible, on an understated, easy-to-access and user-friendlydigital platform.

The objective was to allow the acquisition of precise, practical and concrete notionsthrough the implementation of teaching tools promoting retention of information and involvement of caregivers in the training.


Since January 2020, Arkham Studio has launched the implementation of this eLearning platform to propose an innovative and interactive training system. The work was divided into three major parts:

  • The establishment of graphic guidelines adapted to the target group to dress the platform and the related educational content.
  • The implementation of the LMS (Learning Management System) platform itself and all the features necessary for the smooth functioning of the training (messaging system, provision of additional content, tracking of user activity by administrators, etc.)
  • The production and implementation of the educational content(scripted videos, quizzes, motion design, etc.).
motion design - e-learning plateform


e-learning plateform


The platform was composed of 3 modules with:

  • A 20-minutetraining video associated with the theme of the module with illustrations (motion design)
  • Scripted video sequencesdepicting everyday situations experienced by caregivers in supporting patients with neurodegenerative diseases (illustrating the content of the training video),
  • a quiz allowing the user to test their knowledge on the topic.


After completion of these 3 modules, the caregiver was awarded a certificate of knowledge on the subject.


The team that worked on the project, in partnership with the team of psychologists and psychiatrists of Tours, consisted of:


  • 1 graphic / web designer
  • 1 web developer
  • 2 cameramen
  • 1 editor
  • 1 project manager
Team meeting

Production Date

Since January 2020

Our tools

WordPress, Premiere Pro, After Effect, Illustrator, Indesign, Google Drive


Gamification, Web dev, Graphics and illustration, Scriptwriting